Tooth Pain After Filling — How to Handle the Discomfort?


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February 28, 2023


Synergy Dental Group Team

Whether you’ve just had a filling or your tooth pain comes from another source, it’s important to know how to handle the discomfort.

While some people may experience little to no pain after a filling, others may have more sensitive teeth and require different at-home care. In this article, we will outline what causes you pain after having a filling and discuss some tips on how to deal with tooth pain after a filling.


What is a Dental Filling?

Dental fillings are a form of dental restoration that replaces tooth surfaces that are missing or have been removed due to damage caused by tooth decay. There are different types of fillings available, such as amalgam, composite, gold and porcelain, the most commonly used being the composite.

managing discomfort fillings dental parkdaleThe filling procedure involves removing the damaged area from the affected tooth and then filling it with a bonding material.

Once this has been done, a doctor may decide whether further restoration is needed or if another type of filling, such as an inlay or onlay, will be more suitable.

A filling can not only improve the aesthetics of a person’s smile but also ensures their oral health is taken seriously. Depending on the individual’s situation, they will receive advice from their dentist on what would best suit them when looking into getting a filling.


What Will You Feel After a Filling?

After a tooth filling is complete, it can take several days for the patient to get back to their normal level of comfort. It is common for them to experience some unusual sensitivity after a filling that requires attention.

This may include localised pain in the filled tooth, sensitivity after eating hot or cold foods or drinking certain temperatures or foods, numbness that may extend beyond the lip and cheek area and continuing discomfort after the anaesthetic has worn off.

It is important to note these symptoms and, if necessary, contact your dental professional for further evaluation should sharp pain or any of these after-filling sensations persist after several days.



Symptoms After Tooth Filling 

After tooth filling placement, you may experience tooth sensitivity. However, there are several things that can cause sensitivity: 



This is the inflammation of the dental pulp, which is the innermost layer of your tooth containing nerves and blood vessels.


Change in bite

If there has been a change to your bite after having a filling placed, this can cause sensitivity or pain due to uneven pressure being applied on certain parts of your teeth.


Multiple teeth surface

If a filling was done on multiple surfaces of the tooth, this can sometimes cause increased sensitivity after having the filling placed.

Referred pain

Referred pain is when you feel pain in an area other than the source of the problem. This is often caused by surrounding tissue being affected by nerve signals from the damaged area and can be a sign that the damage is more extensive than first thought.


Allergic reaction

If you have an allergic reaction after having a filling placed, then there is a high chance that it is the material of the filling or the adhesive used to hold it in place which is causing the problem.

To minimise discomfort while the tooth adjusts and during dental treatments, use toothpaste intended for sensitive teeth, reduce sugar intake, avoid hard foods on newly filled teeth, and maintain a routine of proper oral hygiene. Should the tooth sensitivity persist after a few weeks, contact your dentist to discuss options for addressing tooth filling symptoms.


How to Manage Tooth Sensitivity After Filling

Proper oral hygiene is paramount in managing tooth sensitivity after fillings. This involves brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

Be sure to brush gently, paying particular attention to the area around the filling, as this is likely more sensitive. Flossing daily is also essential for removing any food particles that are stuck between your teeth and could be causing irritation.

Also, avoid consuming acidic foods and drinks, as these substances can erode the enamel on your teeth, leading to further sensitivities.

Indulging in such acidic beverages or snacks should be replaced with water or dairy products whenever possible; both help restores the pH of your mouth, which can reduce or desensitise an irritated tooth. If the sensitivity persists despite following these recommendations, you should consult your dentist.

As you can see, there are a variety of reasons why you may experience tooth pain after having a filling.

If the pain persists for more than a couple of days or is especially bothersome, please don’t hesitate to contact Synergy Dental Group on (03) 7003 2185 so that our friendly dentist can take a look and determine the best course of action. 




The facts about filling


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